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The Workbench: a new approach designed for simplicity

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Click   the button to solve the cube step-by-step (with comments).

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Myths about the Cube to recognize

1)Speedcubing is the mantra.

While speed is an option, time matters only to a small percentage of the cubers. For the majority of people, solving the cube is enough.

2)Lots of algorithms to learn.

That's truly a myth. The cube can be solved using just one. Many algorithms are necessary only to those feeding the myth of speedcubing.

3) 'By layers' methods are the best option to solve the cube.

That's a big misconception. To be fair, it's not entirely wrong, but these methods were designed with speed in mind, which complicates the process and dramatically reduces the likelihood of success, especially for beginners.

For example, fully completing the first two layers requires the 'lookahead' technique, which aims to place two cubies in one move. Additionally, after completing the first two layers, you're left with only one rotation that won't disrupt what you've already done.

These myths, believe or not, are the main reason people fail solving the cube.


Everithng starts from the:

Jolly move: powering the 'Workbench approach'.

Key concepts to grasp: Sledgehammer workbench Defaul

Brings the slot at position reb onto the workbench at position ref That move demonstrates why it's always better to have cubies we don't care about (those inside the workbench).
Brings the edge RG onto the position: ref . The cube at position ref (at the beginning of this move) goes somewhere on the cube, but we do not care about it.
Cancels the first rotation also bringing RG onto its final position This set of moves has the characteristic of not interfering with any of the cubies outside the workbench, making it effective for solving configurations (even from other methods) that would otherwise be difficult to solve.

Buttons The solver is the best way to practice with all the possible configurations

Leaving the slots for the cubies RWB and RB unsorted while avoiding completion of the layer provides a working space (the workbench) that greatly simplifies the solving process.

During the solving process, the 'Jolly move' assumes two different names for two different purposes:

1) Defaul Setup When sets the conditions for the 'Delivery'. The Setup move brings the cubie we want to place onto the workbench. Buttons
2) Defaul Delivery When places the cubie already inside the workbench onto its final destination. Buttons
Sometime there is an extra step:
  Defaul Collision Manages the condition when due cubies try to occupy the same position. Buttons

Buttons Use the Sledgehammer that starts with the same rotation used to position the cubie.
The first move achieves your goal. while the last 3 contain side effects within the workbench."

The idea underlying this approach is to divide the cube into two sections:

The reason is simple: to keep separated the side effects (inside the workplace) from the rest of the cubies.

There is no need to follow a strict order. With practice, a personal strategy based on intuition and the proposed technique will be adopted, making solving the Rubik's Cube even simpler.

You can also use the preferred 'by-layer' method, taking care not to position the two cubies in the 'rdf' (Red-Down-Front) and 'ref' (Red-Equator-Front) positions, and continue with this method, which solves the third layer in a much more intuitive way and without the use of other algorithms.


1) How to escape the trap.

Cube mistake

The configuration with the edges Red-Yellow & Yellow-Blue, swapped is called the trap.

It's a truly tricky setup because if not understood, it makes solving the cube impossible. It's deceptive because the issue isn't with the two cubies Red-Yellow & Yellow-Blue, but rather the other two Orange-Yellow & Yellow-Green, which contrary to appearances, are in the wrong place.

There are two interesting viewpoints to consider regarding the trap:

There is also this video:

2) correct the last 2 edges orientation .

Cube mistake

Another frequent configuration, with three interesting viewpoints to consider:

3) Changing perspective.

Cube mistake

Once the outer cubies are positioned relative to the workbench, a simple change of perspective allows for the cube to be completed in the simplest way possible.

This topic is covered in:

Buttons You can skip this section and follow any of the 'by-layers' methods to place all the cubies on the 1st and 2nd layers, except the cubies RWB and RB

The Flow

This method doesn't require following a specific flow. However, if you choose to follow this strategy the method can become even simpler.

The table 'Method Y' shows the sequence step-by-step of the strategy.

Table Method: Y

You can even use any of the 'by layers methods,' just be careful not to place the two cubies RB and RWB. Then continue by placing the cubies OY and YG using the method just described. Finally, solve RB using the appropriate 'Sledgehammer'.

Finally, completing the cube using these tips.   Provides a more detailed tutorial on the 'Workbench'.

If you like puzzles try this: The game of 100

Last update: Saturday 12th October 2024.