The Trap Intuitive version

Consider the sequence of numbers:

So, 2 rotaions:

achieves the swap of two elements within the sequence: the numbers '1' and '2'.

The same reasoning can solve the configuration having 2 edges swapped.

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That's the rotation affecting 4 cubies. After the rotation, the cubie YB Is correctly placed and the 3 cubies
  • YG needs to go in position mub
  • OY needs to go in position lus
  • RY needs to go in position rus
A rotation that affects 3 cubies is exactly what we need. So...

After the rotation 1): The next 3 steps apply a rotation to: YG, OY and RY

2.1) This brings the cubie YG onto the place occupied by OY
2.2) This brings the cubie OY onto the place occupied by RY
2.3) This brings the cubie RY onto the place occupied by YG