'Solid rotation' (Edges)

The edges are rotate in a way that edge's sticker of the same color are on the same face.

In this example:

  • Red stickers are on the Yellow face;
  • Yellow stickers are on the Blue face;
  • Blue stickers are on the Red face;

For this configuration is still possible to find a rotation that brings both the sticker of one of the 3 edges RY, RB and RY in the right place. (as suggested in the example 'Orientate edges') However, this time is not the best option because leads to a 'three steps solution'. All the other 'sledgehammer' lead to a '2 step solution'.

Face Position: x: -30.0 y: -45.0 z: 0.0

  Buttons Click these 3 buttons
Brings the Blue sticker onto the Blue face.

The same can be done for any other sticker.

Now the Red sticker goes onto the red face.
